Closure of Community Centre: Coronavirus

, March 22nd 2020

Centre closure

Dear Community Centre user, On Thursday 12 March the volunteer management group of Mellor Brook Community Centre met in committee and agreed to support all user-groups and hirers who wanted to continue their activities. 8 days later, all had given notice of the cessation of their meetings. The Centre will now close for the foreseeable future. I thank all organisers and their group members for responding quickly and appropriately to official guidance.

Financial concerns

Centre income is largely derived from hall & room hire fees, fundraising activities and bar sales. All these have now dried up while significant expenses will continue to be incurred: utility bills, licence fees, building maintenance, phone rental, various subscriptions. Independent charities like us as well as local authority owned village halls and community centres will have to make significant changes to their finances soon and sacrifices will need to be made. For now the Centre will continue to employ Rachael Calvey as a part-time administrator. John Evans who cleans and maintains the building, also on a part-time contract, will continue in his role. The aim is to keep the Centre fit for purpose for when the Covid-19 threat abates. However, these and other outgoings will need to be monitored over the coming weeks.

What else can we do?

The Centre’s volunteer management group is disappointed it is unable to offer it’s wonderful building and facilities to the wider community at this time. Should other opportunities arise to provide practical help in preserving the well-being of our local and broader community, the team as a whole, as well as its individual members will be availing themselves.

Finally, many of us are going to experience feelings of worry, boredom and frustration. Let’s find ways of helping each other in mitigating those feelings. Please offer your views and suggestions. There are 3 complementary Facebook accounts: mellor brook, Mellor Brook & District Community Centre and Mellor Brook Matters so please post information and share experiences. The village website. will also detail any news specifically affecting the Centre.


Seamus P Heffernan

chair: volunteer management group  Mellor Brook Community Centre

22 March 2010

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