Welcome and thank you for visiting the Mellor Brook & District Community Website. Mellor Brook Community Centre is an independent registered charity (No: 504047). Any profits are re-invested into the building, it’s maintenance, improvements to facilities and services to ensure you enjoy your visit, whatever the event.  For enquiries and to book our facilities, please contact Rachael Calvey on 07436 271153 or rachael@mellorbrook.org.

Read more about the history of the Centre.


The next committee meeting, is on Thurs 11th July and will be preceded at 7.30 by the Annual General Meeting. Those wishing to attend AGM should write to chair, Seamus Heffernan at shamheffermam@gmail.com to request entry (online meeting via Zoom)

The centre has a volunteer group who meet (currently online) each 6 weeks to manage the affairs of the centre. Each activity group using the centre is invited to provide a representative to contribute to these meetings. Despite the disruptive impact on users, the pandemic has afforded the Centre opportunity to upgrade some facilities: a new overhead lighting system has been installed in the hall and the building has been re-decorated throughout. Funding is currently being sought to improve the storage areas off the hall.

User groups and organisers are requested to furnish their contact details to Seamus Heffernan events@mellorbrook.org for inclusion on this site. It is hoped this will help recruitment as well as provide a means of getting in touch with group leaders and organisers at short notice.

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