The volunteer steering group that manages the Centre met on Thursday evening 12 March. It was agreed that, generally the committee would need to be flexible and quick to respond to any changes in government advice or new initiatives which were already changing day by day. They agreed to try to keep the Centre open to as many of the local community it served as was possible. It pledged to reassure it’s event organisers and individual users of its intention to allow them to continue their events and activities should they think it appropriate according to their own circumstances. The committee accepted that it might come to a point where some groups stay away on their own initiative or by the Centre management’s unilateral actions should the prevailing advice deem it necessary.
It seems clear that regular hand washing is the most significant measure an individual can take to prevent the spread of the virus.
In this respect, the Centre affords it’s users a greater degree of protection against the COVID-19 virus spread than some other public spaces. We already offer hands-free taps in both male and female lavatories, choice of air-blowing hand dryer OR disposal paper towels in both lavatories and, more recently, we have begun systematic wiping and disinfecting the building’s door handles.
On Sunday 15 March the Community Ukulele Group organiser gave notice that it would NOT be meeting for at least the next 2 scheduled weekly sessions due to the threat of the virus.
later on Sunday 15th, notification given by Mothers Union of intention to suspended programme for the foreseeable future